
Our popular MG40 offers a good balance between size and versatility. With a 40-mm focal distance and our standard 30-mm x-ray tube, it can measure inside a 120-mm
diameter bore.

With its fully integrated phi rotation axis, the MGR40 allows for automated triaxial measurements in the field.

The smaller MG30 is ideal for measuring in tight locations. With a 30-mm focal distance and our miniature 16-mm x-ray tube, it is capable of measuring inside a 90-mm diameter bore.

A compact mount is available for lightweight and simple field use.

Cobra Arm
Our signature Cobra Arm offers fast, flexible positioning of the goniometer in any direction in space. It can be raised vertically, rotated horizontally, or turned upside down.

The easily removable C-Frame mount combines the convenience of triaxial measurements in the field with the accessibility of the MG40.

A basic, low-cost stand for added flexibility in the field. This is our basic field stand with a 100 mm automated z-axis for focusing, Cobra Arm for flexible positioning of the goniometer, magnetic feet, and adjustable foot pads.

Our most popular stand for portable stress measurements. Our upgraded field mapping stand has automated 100 mm x-, y-, and z-axes for convenient goniometer positioning and residual stress mapping. It also features a Cobra Arm for flexible positioning of the goniometer, magnetic feet, and adjustable foot pads.